Workshops predominantly happen outdoors but in some workshops, we spend time in an indoor space too. (Kinshop@Home workshop blends online and outdoor work.) For live workshops, the daily schedule remains flexible due to the weather and site logistics but usually runs from about 10:00-17:00.
Mornings are generally spent on warm-up, tuning the senses, movement exercises (for all levels of experience), and bodywork investigations; and afternoons engaging in solo and group physical and reflective practices – all with a focus on nature connection.
In residential workshops, some time each evening is dedicated to group reflection.

Requirements from Participants: Kinship Workshop is, in a very ordinary way, about communing or ‘being with’ nature, so participants should have a curiosity for landscape/ nature/ other animals as well a sense of personal enquiry. We focus on how somatic and embodied practice can support and resource nature connection, activism and active responses to the concerns of our time including biodiversity loss, social justice and climate emergency.
The workshop may bring us into close proximity with wild and/or free-roaming animals whom may seem unpredictable. Participants must be prepared to practice patience, generosity and respect towards them, and be fully prepared to set aside assumptions of what connection is in order to discover what is naturally already there in the sharing of landscape.
The workshop is subject to circumstances such as weather and wildlife – and therefore participants’ generosity, adaptability and sense of humour are necessary and welcomed.

Accommodation (in residential workshops and when the group stays together) is normally self-catering (camping options may also be available), and we share domestic tasks. We usually work out a rota of 2 people cooking an evening meal and another 2 people clearing-up. Breakfasts are self-organised and lunches are a group effort.

Food: In some residential workshops, the whole group shares a kitchen, in which case food is bought ahead of time, therefore it’s important for participants to communicate any food allergies or health conditions that affect dietary requirements ahead of time. Common food will be plant-based, partly with an aim of questioning our relationship to other animals, so despite our individual choices around consumption of animal products, the common food budget will be spent on vegan foods. If you would like to read more about this choice, click here.
In non-residential workshops, participants are invited to bring a packed lunch that considers where your food comes from, your waste and if it’s possible to avoid single-use/ disposable packaging.
Please bring your own extra snacks/ special foods for personal use with you (for both residential and non-residential workshops).

Foraging has become an important group activity in the work, especially in residential workshops where we cook together and have more time. Foraging from the local area (where possible/ appropriate) for additions to meals is an opportunity to experience another side to place and environment. It’s a skill share that connects us to each other, our own past and to other animals that live in situ. This is an informal communal activity, sharing both knowledge and skills.

Workshop price is normally broken down into: workshop fee, and additionally for some residential workshops – accommodation and food cost. In some cases there may be an extra cost for various activities such as kayak hire etc. In all workshops, every effort is made to keep the workshop fee fair and affordable whilst respecting the skill and amount of work that goes into the organisation and delivery of each workshop.
We run a tiered structure of prices with an aim to be both affordable and appropriately priced for participants’ financial circumstances.

Travel is self-organised, although we will do our best to send travel information and recommendations. Please note that due to transportation limitations in some locations, participants may be asked to arrive at pick-up points at certain times to facilitate convenient and economical car transport in order to arrive at the accommodation or home base. Any participants travelling in their own car and are willing to help with transport for other participants, please let us know.

What to bring (in case it might be helpful there is an audio file of these lists below):

All workshops: Clothes for moving outdoors, waterproof jacket and trousers (for working on the ground/ damp surfaces), footwear suitable for moving on uneven and wet surfaces, lunch box, eating utensils, 1 litre minimum water bottle, notebook and pen, a time piece (a watch is ideal), suncream, swimming costume & towel (if you would like to swim and there are local opportunities to wild swim) and tweezers for tick removal (see below/ we will speak more about this in the workshop).

Residential workshops: towel, sleeping bag, camping equipment if camping (tent, sleeping mat, pillow etc. as required), clothes for moving indoors & outdoors, waterproof jacket and trousers, footwear suitable for moving on uneven and wet surfaces, clothes for evenings, a lunch box, eating utensils, 1 litre minimum water bottle, notebook and pen, a time piece (a watch is ideal), suncream, swimming costume & towel (if you would like to swim and there are local wild swimming opportunities), a torch, insect/mosquito/tick repellent, tweezers/ tick removal kit (see below/ we will speak more about this in the workshop),  and personal first aid kit.

Access and fitness
We are in the process of developing more inclusive practices both in workshops and here on the website. Please check out the ACCESS page for more details, and get in touch if you have concerns about the accessibility of a particular workshop. For each workshop page we try to give an idea of what kind of terrain we will be working in as well as proximity facilities such as toilets.
In 2021, we launched the first online workshop called Kinship@Home, inviting participation from your own home and local area is possible. We aim to offer at least one Kinship@Home workshop per year.

Ticks: Ticks are widespread all over the UK and as such it is important to regularly check for ticks when spending time outside where other animals also live. We take ticks and tick checking seriously in each Kinship Workshop. Please check out our tick information page HERE for more details.

Disclaimer and personal responsibility: Participants will need to sign a disclaimer/ responsibility statement before starting the workshop. Please get in touch if you would like to be sent this statement before booking.

What to expect: 

… what happens … I slow down to reach others … my seeing changes … I am prepared but not told what to do … the group forms around daily life […] and dealing with land/ each other/ other
It requires stamina, openness, self reliance and a keenness for noticing and not assuming
It demands no more than an honest presence and a willingness to share tasks, thoughts and questions generously.
I am left quieter and more watchful

– Katye (workshop facilitator)