Each year, we are inspired by a variety of writers, thinkers, activists and practitioners.
Please find below some of this year’s references which is open for those who have participated previously in a Kinship Workshop.
(This is a live document which may be updated during the season.)

The creation of Kinship Workshop has been inspired by a multitude of practitioners and sources which feel important to recognise and credit. These lists are not exhaustive and are updated from time to time.

Tom’s list:
Somatic and movement practitioners:
Janet Kaylo Mentoring, movement analysis
Body Weather as taught by Frank Van de Ven ‘Bag of Bones’, ‘MB lines’, Body Landscape residential workshops
Mark Tomkins Body investigation and exploration
Simon Whitehead Drifts, wandering, night walking

Nature connection:
Old Ways Immersion course (rewilding, nature connection, natural navigation, bushcraft)
Lynx Vilden’s Loving Wild programmes (ancestral skills, basic skills)

Animal self-determination and trans-species ethics:
Gay Bradshaw Mentoring (Sacred Bones Program and Kerulos internship)
Jacqueline Buckingham Animal Communication

Katye’s list:
Somatic and movement practitioners:
Helen Poynor – Walk of life training (Movement practices for outdoor work and life)
Simon Whitehead (Drifts and wandering)
Skinner Releasing Technique (Somatic movement teaching)

Therapeutic training:
Somatic Experiencing training (Orienting and Grounding work)